October 26, 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009

February 2009

January 2009

We're Back!
December 08, 2007
It's a Christmas Miracle!

Chrsitmas Lights

The Stake Turkey Trot

Grandma Honor & Uncle Bruce

November 01, 2007
Sweet Curls



October 01, 2007
Big Girl


September 06, 2007
Saratoga Springs
At The Lake

I Like To Look For Rainbows

Temple Square

We went to both Visitor's Centers. She loved going to the South Visitor's Center where they have the large statue of Christ. She said that he was "beautiful". When we tried to take a picture of her in front of him, she freaked and didn't want to get too close. Aaron had to hold her, and even then, it's not the greatest picture since she's hiding her face in Aaron's shoulder.
We took many pictures around the temple and Sadie got very excited about seeing all the sister missionaries everywhere.
While we were in the visitor's center, Aaron started talking to one of the sister missionaries working in there. After talking to her and discussing where he had served, he found that there was a sister serving at the temple who he had known on his mission. She must have been about 10 or so when he knew her family in Reading England. Unfortunately, she was serving the latter leg of her mission in Maryland and was no longer at the temple.
We continued our day by taking a tour of the conference center. What an amazing building! There is no doubt that President Hinckley was truly inspired in his request to develop this building. Everything is so perfect down to the tiny details. I loved all the artwork throughout the center.
We loved the story of the podium and how it came from a tree that was dying in President Hinckley's yard. Who would have know when he planted that tree so many years before that it would serve a great purpose and become part of history.
The top of the conference center is also something to speak of. It's amazing all the plants and trees they have on the roof, yet no soil and no weeds. I was amazed at all the things we learned on the tour.
Our tour group was very small. It was us, another couple and a single man. We came to find that other than the guide, we were the only members. It was exciting to see how interested these people were in the history of the church and the conference center.
At one point at the end of the tour, the guide was speaking about the death of Joseph Smith, how he was shot for not denying what he knew and believed to be true. One of the other people on the tour asked her to repeat what she had said. He could not believe that Joseph Smith had been killed for that. It was awesome to find someone with and open mind who found the prophet's martyrdom to be as ridiculous and sad as those of us who have a true love of Joseph Smith.
After the tour, Sadie was wiped and we decided to head home. We hadn't really stopped for lunch, so when we go to the car, we gave her some wheat thins. As you can see in the picture, she fell asleep eating them. Her hand was still in the bag.
Our Trip To Utah

Our destination was Saratoga Springs, but our first stop was in St. George. We stopped for breakfast and then to give Aaron's oaretns a head start in the moving tuck, we took Sadie over to see the St. George temple. It was so beautiful, but VERY hot! We were hoping for a relief from the heat, but didn't find it there.
Sadie loved the temple and enjoyed seeing a bride getting her pictures done.
Saratoga Springs was another 4 hours from St. George. Once we got back on the road there was nothing until we hit Provo. We had left at 6 that morning adn had hoped Sadie would sleep part of the way. I know I have a hard time staying awake in the car, but she was relentless. She didn't sleep the entire trip, and finally after a struggle, went to bed at 9. She was a very tired girl!
Did I mention that the air conditioning in the rental van was not functioning the whole trip? We had rented a van so there would be enough room for us all to travel home in together. The van we took from California was brand new, only 15 miles on it when they picked it up. That wasn't any fun, to say the least. Saturday morning after tying to take it to a delaership to have it looked at, we finally had to trade it in with another van in Salt Lake.
August 22, 2007
Big Helper

I'm Getting Older

Poolside Pals

Little Sadie on the Prairie

Grandma & Grandpa Escher went on a curch history tour, and came upon this cute bonnet for pioneer day. The cutest thing about it, is it unbuttons and unfolds into an apron. Sadie loves it. She is so into dressing up whenever she gets the chance. We need to find her some dress up clothes.