July 20, 2007

First Broken Bone

It's amazing how some people can go their whole life without a broken bone. I have managed to live almost 28 years without a single broken bone. Our little Sadie made it two years, but no longer. Sadie broke her collar bone on July 1st. The biggest problem was that we didn't know. She fell out of her bed, as many children have done. We just thought she hurt her neck or bumped her shoulder, we wouldn't find out for 11 days that it was broken. We even went away on vacation in the meantime. As you may have seen in many of the pictures posted, she wasn't in pain! Now, we're waiting to see an ortho hoping that it is healing properly, I don't know what we're going to have to do if it isn't. Please keep Sadie in your prayers!

1 comment:

shannon said...

That is crazy! Poor little Sadie. What a tough cookie!